Thursday, April 20, 2006


Howard Stern suicidal???

For those of you who don't have Sirius satellite...besides what the fuck are you waiting for THIS is what happened today---

Robin Quivers still refuses to invite Stern's number one groupie, Sal the Stockbroker, to her party...and the future serial killer was not too thrilled to find out that former Fox "news" reporter Penny Crone made the cut. Whilst the announcement that shitheads Opie and Andy getting ready to replace former Van Halen lead singer David Lee Roth should be the most psychotic news story of the day...Howard's taunting today of future going postal employee whackpacker Sal will in all likelihood be the story that goes down in history!!!

THIS inaccuracy in media report is one of the many responsible for Sirius' artificially low stock prices...MY PREDICTION is 10 million Sirius subscribers this Christmas, that is if gas prices don't hit $4 a gallon...that will make voodoo economics really shit the fan.

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